Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Schlierenzauer 215,5m - Polish Feed K185 2009 - new hill record!

This is the Polish feed, but I put it here to make a technical comment. By his jumping so far he actually was able to land without too much force in his landing, and remarkably, pulling out of his squat landing he went immeditately into a slalom style stop.. He is a very good skier, but his flying, remarkably, made it quite easy to stop..

Why, you may ask. Basically one goes slower in the air than on the snow. These jumps increase in size slowly, based upon the abilities of the best skiers, but more than that, the dangers to the worst skier. Falling, or tumbling down the landing hill is much much more dangerous than gliding in the air down the hill... and one picks up a lot more speed too when they are on the snow than in the air.

Watch him stop here... amazingly easy.

all for now

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