Monday, January 12, 2009

Project X Wki Site

You may be aware of the current US Development program, and you may not. If not, check out the site at the following link.

Mens Ski Jumping, for various reasons, has fallen on some hard fortunes and is not currently supported by the US. Ski Team as most other disciplines are supprted (I don't know the full details of this, but specifically there is no Named US Ski Team in Jumping)....

Reacting to the need for creating a viable path for develoment and international competition, the US. Ski Jump Development program has been formed as a self standing 501c3 Corp. The need for fundraising is very real for this group, but the call to action of creating an effective and functional program has been remarkable. Jochen Dannenberg has been retained as the Coach (Olympic Medalist and Springertournee Winner). The outstanding efforts and support coming from Alan Johnson and Jim Holland deserve our full recognition.

Lets all help with their success in the ways we can. Find out more at:

Project X is part of the wider movement that that is fermenting success in Nordic Disciplines throughout the continent. Lets support these initiatives.

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