Well, Winter is HERE. Snow is falling in the hills above us and the prime season for my winter sport (of years gone by...) is upon us.
I will not belabour, but Nordic Ski Jumping was hung out to dry on the line about 10 years ago. I don't know the details other than the fact that we were not winning Olympic and World Championship medals... (search SkiRacing.com for one comment)... Well, 2010 comes along, Rex Bell shows up at the USSA Congress, he starts talking and a week later the "at least we have something" program of US Ski Jumping Development has a parallel work group formed, and a very strong set to constitute the working board, (led by Rex and Jeff Hastings) and things start happening.
This is not about politics. It is about art, beauty, and a tremendous way to spend ones youth and the immediate years beyond that. Ski Jumping is a wonderful sport that is both great to watch and to do, and the group has been formed to keep it going and let it blossom in America. I won't go further into the full details, but check out the action at:
http://usaskijumping.org and on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/USA.Ski.Jumping
We will tell you more, and if you are lucky, maybe we will get you into the Start Gate - the best place to be!
Happy Flying!